
My younger brother Mark and myself started out approx. 5-7 years ago in the local speedway. A once a month event for us.
We started out with a cheap old Holden car and as our driving skills progressed so did the need for a more reliable and faster car.

Now we race a worked Holden Torana in the A Grade Open Professional Section and now rated as Number One for the State of Queensland. While I rarely drive now I still have an active involvement in both mechanics and maintenance aswell as organizing sponsorship deals and team logistics.

We race mainly within the Central Queensland region and from time to time travel further south and north when the occasion arises. The wing may soon to be painted in some sort of Amiga based logo - just for kicks! I will add photo when and if this is ever done.
More information and photo's to come soon ...

                                                Pic 1. Our first car - Pretty scary at that!
                                                                 Pic 2. Car Number 2. - We finally got a win. (B Grade 1997)
                                               Pic 3. See blank top wing - one day maybe painted with Amiga.
                                                                Pic 4. The latest car. (3) Though a new colour scheme has not been photographed yet!