
            I became interested in Touchscreen technology and it's applications back in 1992/1993 when I was touring U.K. and
            Europe. I happened to come across various Touchscreen Display units at various shows, expo's and shopping centres.

            Having looked at the units I soon realised that with a little work I could produce something much better and as an
            Amiga fan and gfx enthusiast I could produce a unit with a more streamlined computer system, more attractive
            computer gfx and improved and simpler user GUI. Couple that with a cabinet that was designed to be much more
            cosmetic than the ones I had seen - I was certain I would be on a winner.

            This has been a project of mine for some time. (Ok a few years now). My main aim was to design and produce a
            cabinet that would house a computer system, Television or computer monitor, stereo Hi-Fi Car Audio speakers and
            the necessary Touchscreen hardware.


            Update: 19th August 1999
           I guess the most exciting news for most Amigan's is that of the new Amiga Clones coming from IWin Corporation. Still
            many remain doubtful and the hardware is questionable. In the meantime this would offer the most ideal Hardware
            solution for me. An improved motherboard with enhancements and still giving me the best of what Amigas have to offer.
            While still unsure of models (A510/A1010) the C65 may yet offer the most cost effective yet. With its smaller board
            design and enhanced spec.'s this little unit would be perfect.
            Again! If the hardware is to be delivered I would say at this point in time that my vote goes for the IWin clones!

            Update: 15th July 1999
            The main reasons for choosing the Amiga as a computer base was because of my familiarity of the system and it's ease
            of use. One major factor which contributed was the natural size of the motherboards and the fact they contained all I/O
            sound and graphics onboard. Unlike PC's of the time.
            But recently there has been a change in PC motherboard technology. The introduction of the Cameo chip sets, namely
            810 and 820. This means it will be easier for OEM manufacturers to add Gfx, sound and other features to the boards.
            Plus the addition that many boards are now being offered in not only At and ATX formfactor but also Micro ATX. This
            again suits my requirements perfectly now - I only hold out on the Amiga Ng systems now to offer a decent

            - Mpeg based Jukebox (Video a future possibility)
            - Tourist information display unit
            - Interactive Movie/Video Display Unit (Ideal for Video rental shops)
            - Promotional Display Unit
-           - or even a simple display unit with a DVD, Video Player or VCD unit for Promos/Training Sessions.
            - Touchscreen mobile Karaoke Unit.
            - VDU (Video Display Unit) for my Virtual Reality Arcade Machine
            - It also make one hell of a Home Entertainment System Cabinet. Modify a little for extra hardware with I/O ports.

            These are just a short list but many more applications are envisaged.

            I won't go into to much detail as I have put a considerable amount of time, effort and money into this project so far but
            the basics consist (Thus far) of:  (Application pending)

            -. Moulded Fiberglass cabinet with various face plates to suit various applications
            -  21cm High Quality TV (Sony or JVC)
            -  Alpine 3 way Stereo Hi Fi Car Audio Speakers
            -  Amplifier system (undecided and depends on application)
            -  Covered plate to allow various sockets for Audio/Visual and Power with led lights and meters.
            -  Computer System (Undecided)
            -  Touchscreen Hardware/Software (N/A)
            -  Removable head from base mount to allow different Head Units for differing applications

            Of the greatest news is (As you may see by looking at the photos) that I have gained permission off Petro from A.I.
            to use the "Powered by Amiga" sticker on my cabinets.

                                                           (More photo's to come soon...)

            So where to now?
            Well at the moment I am concentrating on saving for my holiday overseas. I aim to travel back to the U.K and see
            friends and relatives and visit places like Egypt, Turkey, Greece and Jordon. Aswell as spending a reasonable amount
            of time in England. I hope to visit many Amiga retailers and distributors and talk to various designers like Access
            Innovations. Not forgetting I have to go to a few Amiga Shows like WOA 2000.

            I guess after all this I can finally get back into completing some of my projects and with new research information and
            hopefully new information on new Amiga Hardware and Software I can once again go back to the aim of an Amiga
            based application.
            More to come...

            Extra Notes
        I had hoped to utilize an Amiga computer and run software like Scala. It all came down to the units application as to
            what software and hardware was required. Over the years I had looked at the CD32 unit. This offered all that I
            required except for the lack of FMV cards. There was a foreign company that applied to Amiga Int for a license to do
            another run of the original Commodore FMV cards but after 12 months or so there was still no news.

            Another alternative was to be the Access System from Access Innovation. This little unit offered all I could want and
            in a very small and compact design. Still a little more CPU power would have been required but the fact that it had
            had ISA slot allowed potential for Mpeg hardware decoding and various other cards to be used.
            An Mpeg Decoder/Genlock was in development at various times but there is still no news on this thus far.
            Still, adding cd roms, hard drives and Zips/LS120's were no problem as the unit came with inbuilt drivers, a Flashrom
            and improved AGA like the BoXer.

            A1200's were small and compact yet didn't offer enough power for most of my applications. The 4000 was the ideal
            solution but it's cost was prohibitive. I am still considering the A1200 with additional hardware (perhaps Coldfire
            Accelerator for some applications but I hold high hopes that the new Amiga will serve for all my future requirements.
            Time will tell. I guess I am luck I'm not on any strict timetable.