USB  (Universal Serial Bus)

Otherwise known as Universal Serial Bus. While this is nothing new to PC clone computers, it's still to date has eluded the Amiga Computer. Up until now. It seems the Amiga is to be blessed with a variety of USB Zorro based cards aswell as PowerPC based Accelerator cards which feature USB. So yet again the Amiga is playing catch up but I'm sure it will be adopted rapidly. As to the issue of software support, drivers and direct OS support; this will be a matter for great discussion and debate in the near future.

So what is USB?

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. With this new bus, only one peripheral device needs to plug directly into the motherboard. The other devices (ie. Keyboards, Scanners, Printers etc) simply connect to the other in a daisy chain like arrangement. They can also be connected star-like to a port expansion hub. Each bus can accept 64 different devices, including the host PC. USB also features a 12 Mbps data rate and even supplies +5V power to those devices that have modest power needs



Latest news - April 2000, St. Louis Show. USA.
With the display ofthe Rev 2. BoXer board it has become aparant that the USB Sockets/Headers have been implented and added to the board. Software status and support is still an unknown factor but according to Blittersoft, Access Innovation and AntiGravity this may well end up In the hands of another developer.
The good news the Sockets are in place and most likely to stay.

Latest news from Blittersoft dated 10th February 2000.
"There is a dual USB interface, this is currently designed to evaluate the implementation and weare making no commitment to ship in the final build, however we would like to think that we are not wasting design time on something that's not going to stick around! USB does require a fairly complex set of drivers to support the basic operation as well as the wide range of devices that could be connected. We have not initiated any software to cover this at this time, it is more than likely that the specification of the interface will be made freely available so that a keen developer can pick up the task. No enquiries about the implementation and operation please until we have at least had the chance to make sure the hardware is working and a development board is available."

So where does the BoXer fit in?
Up until now it seemed as though the BoXers spec's had been set in stone and we were led to believe that the initial production run was underway with the first set of boards to be delivered to Software Developers (To write drivers for various PCI based cards) and then to be shipped for those who pre-ordered. Well all seemed to be going according to plan. At this stage it's still not to clear what is exactly going on but one thing is sure is that Mick must be taking notice to peoples emails and various messages on newsgroups and mailing lists. The main message (Generally speaking) was that most were concerned that when the BoXer was to be released it would be an out of date board. Now also take into account the efforts by H&P with their POP (PPC based boards), The Phoenix Consortium and their efforts (Current and future) amongst a host of others we may not know much about at this stage like the RioRed G4 board and you soon find that the BoXer will have some hefty competition. It only makes sense for the BoXer to be held up again and more current features added.
But now with Amino/Amiga hope fully there will be new levels of co-operation and more support for people like Mick. Also remember Mick attended a meeting in London with notables ranging from Bill McEwen and Fleecy of Amino, Tao Chairman Francis Charig, Mick Tinker of BoXeR, Andrew Korn and David Stroud from AmigaActive, Ben Vost (Amiga Format), Olaf Barthel (OS 3.5) plus many more - I expect we will see more from this soon!

If you take a look at the AA+ chipset features (Micks new toy) "Interface to a SuperIO chip to allow low cost serial, parallel, UDMA IDE and USB to be implemented off chip." - it soon becomes aparant that USB could have been implemented some time ago - If time permitted.

It wasn't until a recent message posted to the Team Amiga list did Mick respond saying that a USB port has been added. A big thanks must goto Gary on this one as I didn't spot this one at the time. Still a great of speculation is gong on here until we see updated spec's released but I for one would be glad to see a USB port added to the BoXer. Yes! One port is enough, remembering that various adapters and general Nick Knacks are available for USB now.

For a more general overview on USB and the Amiga I will be added my Article on USB "The right connection" here shortly and as soon as more information is released on USB for the BoXer - you will find it here.

Last Updated:  10th February 2000