Various Pictures
[2000 / 1999]

True to Blittersofts prior announcement, they have as promised released a further picture of the BoXer Motherboard. Yet again another Prototype. The 2nd now I believe). Still it shows the level of commitment behind the scenes and how determined these companies are in bringing this long awaited Amiga Clone.  Also note the new case designs and display from AntiGravity at the Amiga St. Louis Show. How very Imac of them, still very attractive though!
Please take note that the below picture represents the 2nd Prototype board as we know if so far. Some obvious features are not labelled or aparantly missiing. Ie the Floppy Port. I dare say we will have another revision or future picture in coming months.

 1. Amiga Video Slot                                                              2. 4x PCI Slots (Compliant 2.0/2.1/2.2)                        3. Header for External Zorro Bus Daughter Board
 4. Headers for Case - Power/Reset/HD Led                      5. Stand Lithium Battery                                               6. Real Time Clock Chip
 7. Altera Flash (IDE/PCI)                                                      8. Used for Debugging                                                 9. Used for Debugging
10. 68k CPU Speed Jumpers                                                  11. 24bit Video DAC                                                      12. Stereo RCA Audio Out Sockets
13. Mainly debug, it allows the 68k bus speed to be changed.
14. Altera Flash - Implements most of the AA graphics/sound/etc features
15. Jumpers ( 68k  CPU voltage 5V = '040, 3.3V = '060)
16. Used for Debugging
17. Used for Debugging
18. PPC Socket (66MHz on the prototype, 100MHz perhaps on the final,its all down to how it performs in tests.
19. 2x Sdram Sockets - Also Re:18 for Speed
20. IDE Ports (Master/Secondary)                                       21. Used for Debugging                                                22. Used for Debugging
23. Used for Debugging                                                        24. Motorola 68k CPU socket (25/040-060/75)            25. Development header for programming various chips (JTAG)
26.  ATX Power Supply Socket                                           27. Kickstart Roms - 3.1 Upwards
28. Flash, holds various bits of boot code, logic and probably kickstart in the final  version.
29. Used for Debugging
30. Logic Chip (Provides various I/O Features)                31. Parallel, 1x serial (9-pin), 1x video (high density 15-pin VGA style).
32. Dual USB Sockets                                                           33. Dual PS2 (mouse/keyboard)

A componant breakdown of the new BoXer prototpye board as dispayed at the St.Louis show by
AntiGravity. [April 2000]. Thanks must go to Fabio Benedetti for this one.
A more detailed block layout to follow asap.

The BoXer - Wrapped in plastic.Well, a plastic/glass case anyway.
On display again by AntiGravity for the 2nd year running - and for the 2nd year running. Non functioning!
Thanks to David Steidley and Czech Amiga News for this good quality picture.

                              BoXer System with new ImacStyle cases as displayed by AntiGravity at the St. Louis Amiga Show. [April 2000]
                              [Picture left - Sourced Show Report.]      [Picture Right - Sourced David Steidley and Czech Amiga News]

                                                        Yet again a new prototype from Access. Note the board redesign and improvements
                                                        as compared to previous boards as show below. Notice the Kickstart Roms are back on the
                                                        board again now. Nice BoXer label!
                                                        Sourced from Blittersoft. [March 20th, 2000]

                                                       Block Diagram of the BoXer Board.
                                                       Sourced from Blittersoft (UK). [February 2000]

Last Updated: 30th  April 2000