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Otherwise know as the Boxer User Databsse Service.

More on this to come upon the final release of the BoXer. This will offer excellent support to each and every user.

The BoXer Monthly

This Section coming Soon

This is a monthly mailout to those who wish to subscribe. It wil contain all relevant news for that month. I hope to get regular news and information from Mick Tinker (Access); Paul (Blittersoft) and Dan (Antigravity) aswell as a regualar Q.&A.

I'm looking for someone else to either assist me on this or take on this miniproject themsleves. Please email me for further information.


Latest News

Last Updated: 27/07/2000


<News Flash>
27th July 2000

Great news. According to the latest Update for the AmiWest Show the BoXer will be on display. Plus, like I said in the below news on the 02 July, now it is confirmed that the BoXer will be on show and working. Remember that this is still in prototype stage and there for many of it's features will not be either implemented or not fully functional at this stage.

There will also be a free seminar (amongst others) about AntiGravity's BoXer. Lets hope more information will be forthcoming about the future of this great board. I expect we will hear more development on the Zorro add-on board, the PPC module/s, USB and most importantly drivers and support for the PCI slots. Keep an eye on the BoXer Site for more news and for upcoming Show Reports.

<General News >
23th July 2000

Paul Lesurf from Blittersoft recently announced (22nd July) that "Just a quick note to let everyone know that our new details regarding BoXeR will be made next week. We have a few things to finalise before we update our web site. I do not know if Anti-Gravity's new web site is ready this weekend, but I wanted to let everyone on this list be aware that we have not forgot."

This is indeed excellend news and no doubt coincides with the AmiWest 2000 Show. Remembering that the BoXer will be on display and more information will be forthcoming. On a second email, Paul from Blittersoft addressed a few issues and concerns that have been raised on the BoXer Mailing List

"The situation is difficult. There are many reasons why updates could not be more forthcoming, but this next one will clear up many issues, and also inform what the changes are and why they were made (not to the design, but the development schedule etc.) I can understand those that parted with money have a higher issue than prospective customers, but that is not an issue with Blittersoft or the developers. How customers work with AG in the USA is not in our control. I disagree that this announcement will change orders. We have an incredibly healthy interest, not just from users but many companies who see BoXeR as the survival path for the next 18-24 months. All concerned realise that the sooner we have a release, the sooner we begin a healthy market. We have been involved so long that any frustration users may feel is amplified with us!"

<General News>
05 July 2000

Currently there's a thread on Moobunny discussing drivers etc regarding the BoXer and Elbox's Mediator PCI board. Mick Tinker has a few words to say on this.To sum up. There is no reason why Drivers developed for the Elbox PCI boards shouldn't work on the BoXer. As Elbox are to release drivers for free as well as a general SDK to assist those in developing/writing their own drivers we should see rapid development for all sorts of PCI cards. Lets hope the guys at Elbox and AG atleast work towards this assumption. In the long term it will benefit all those with busboards.

The future does indeed look brighter and brighter all the time. Lets just hope that PCI cross compatibility isn't botched!

<General News>
02 July 2000

July will mark an interesting time for the BoXer. We will have an announcement from AG concerning to board within the next week or so. Come the 29th, 30th of this month AG will be present again with the BoXer at the Amiwest 2000 show in the US.

  • Amiwest 2000. The next show for Amigans and the next public display of the BoXer. Antigravity amongst others will be displaying their wares at Sacramento, California in the US. Hopefully AG will be able to shed some light on the current BoXer situation.
  • Here's a little BoXer <> AG trivia for you all. This will be the third show that the BoXer has ever been on display and the first time outside the St.Louis show. Maybe AG will set a new precedent and show us a working display model of the BoXer. Well, we can only hope.
  • More recently and closer to home, a new announcement will be made by AG about the BoXer in the next week. Keep an eye on AG's site and of course here for more details.
  • More updates and details were recently announced by Escena regarding their Brainstormer Dual PPC board. Good to see that this project is still in the works. While this may have little bearing on the BoXer these days it may still provide an alternative to PPC options via Zorro Interfacing for BoXer owners. I know allot of people would certainly pay for the option of adding a Dual PPC board versus a single one that will be offered by AG.
  • Updated the Poll Page with some newbies. Finally! Yet again your participance is requested and as usual all results will be forwarded to Mick Tinker, Blittersoft and AG.
<Site Updates>
28th June 2000
New features/changes:

  • Updated the Links Page with a few more Australian Amiga Dealers. I think I have them all now but If you know of any I missed pleased email me with the details.
  • Finally able to setup a dedicated Email address for the BoXer Site. Please direct all future comments and anything BoXer related to My previous email will still be maintained for the moment.
  • Updated the Onelist icon on the main menu page to the correct one - Egroups.
  • Corrected and deleted some information on the main menu page. Nothing to note though.
  • I relocated a copy of the BoXer Site to an alternative server. Currently testing the links and polls before the announcements are made. This new server has none of those Tripod popups.
<Site Updates>
20th June 2000
New features/changes:

  • The new layout style has been implemented onto the Links page. Graphical Icons will be added to major links shortly.
  • With the recent announcements from Elbox and their new A1200/A4000 PCI busboards, there has been much discussion and debate over the PCI bus speeds as compared to the BoXer. Mick Tinker was kind enough to pass on some information and spec's to Paul [Blittersoft] who posted this on the BoXer-Mailing List. For those that didn't catch that information you can go here to preview it. A more detailed PCI page is under construction now and should be up in the coming week.
<General News>
13th June 2000

Over the last month there has been a great deal of negative news surrounding AntiGravities business activities. While this is nothing new, it never the less does not reassure the potential BoXer purchaser aswell as all those customers who have already pre-paid - that we will ever see the BoXer.

  • Elbox have also recently announced their intention to release a PCI board for the A1200 computer. They hope to offer such cards as USB; Ethernet; Soundcard; MPEG-2 hardware decoder based on EM8400 processor and a range of gfx cards. (S3 8meg Virge/ 16meg Voodoo 3/ 32meg 3dfx Voodoo 5/). So what relevanmce dos this have with the BoXer - ALLOT - I only hope Elbox are collaborating with Antigravity on this aswell as Trigertronics (USB Zoro card) to create either compatible drivers or atleast something communial like. We certainly don't need another Phase5 <> Haage & Partner dispute/fiasco again. This is a great opportunity for PCI to be implented successfully on the Amiga. Let's hope AG don't blow it!
  • The previous Issue of Amigactive featured an article on the BoXer Board aswell some pictures of the board in varying angles. I am still attempting to gain permission from the Publisher (Pinprint) to add these pictures and a copy of the article to the BoXer Site. I hope to have some good news on this soon.
  • When and if (I should say) the BoXer is released I have secured with my ISP to setup a webserver from home. Amoung other activities, this will allow me to host the BoXer Site from my Server and Register a Domain Name. Still time will tell.
<Site Updates>
10th June 2000
New features/changes:

  • New style "News" and main "Menu" page. Previous months news articles to be added ASAP.
  • Fixed some minor layout problems
  • More layout fixes to come. I'm still learning a PC package called Dreamweaver.
  • I will be changing over the existing site to the new style layout and format as time permits. Most likely 1 section at a time.Your thoughts and feedback will be greatly appreciated.
  • Wanted: Assistance with graphics, logos and GifAnims. Please email me for more information. A BoXer banner would be nice!

There are many more planned updates to come aswell as new and exciting sections. Of course some of these will not be activated until the BoXer is finally released. Your feedback is encouraged as I wish to know if the extra effort and time spent on this site and new look will be appreciated.

<News Flash>
June 2000

Apologies to one an all. I started a new job as a Courier Driver for a local University 6-8 weeks ago. During this time I soon realised that I had no time to devote to my projects (Virtual Reality, Touchscreens) and my pet love - The BoXer Site. Hence this site suffered with little to no updates. As to with the BoXer Mailing List.

So I made the deicision and will now finish up on the job over the coming week. So please bare with me as I have much to catch up on and read aswell as add the many necessary updates to the site and include all those news functions and features as promised. I have also moved to a new ISP offering Cable. All previous emails are still active but I will be setting up dedicated BoXer emails shortly. In the meantime is still the best method in which to contact me.



Copyright Darron Cox 1997-2000